[Kogi] The beginning
It all began
I always think that it begins with words, with Logos and, of course, with... I
I always think that
I... always think
Imago dei
Image of God full of images of "God"
I is God, there, isn't it?
I... will become a god.
I... always thought... didn't I?
I begin this, that, I do and I say, I think and I look
Look! See? I am there!
It all began.
Began it all.
I... unfortunately... is in the middle.
Originally cut from the origin, and
Definitely cut from the end
Unknown before a Fall, and
Other after the last moment
I... is a residue from grammatical use. And even if
I thought I was... (in) the beginning
Still. "Still, I was in God's mind!"
"At least I am, eternally, I, I, I, ..."
I doesn't exist... People have eyes, yes
But I... I never was.
This is me, this isn't, angry, filled, empty
I know (stuff) and I am (other), but no
I was never "there". And...
I was not there
Where, or when
It all began. So what?
It all began
With it.
Did it begin? Sure it began.
But is it surely a big Bang?
It is not clear, it "is" beyond
It... is not a tree. It is not me, either.
It is not really "God(2)-Jesus-Wisdom-Logos-Word"
It is... it. It was. Was it?
"It rains", "it falls", "it is there", it comes like that
A clinamen? A divine drift? Maybe that's it
Maybe that's how
How it is called, how it should be
Because "surely", it was "called"
But what is sure, is that it all began
Then (and only then)
It calls me
Some particles, falling on the ground
Pressure drops, adrenalin
It is there (a body) before me
It is given (a tongue), it is received (a world)
It... was just there, that's it
The beginning.
The end... will be
For (the) next time.
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