Five – four – three – two one
Let things settle down, let them pervade the shallow self – yours, mine – holes appear, another veil of normality
On the surface, right on the eyes, babbling layers of everydayMade of old fear fabric and old future, antiquated expectations and knee-jerk reactions
Apparently much of the same – a veil of use day after day, strangely familiar (it shouldn’t be)Let the pen down
Meanwhile, belowBelow*
*Icy waters boiling, currents drowning past home and century – drought, flood, acceleration of time – strengthening old bonds, effortlessly, in books read and secretly written – books without hands – below, under the skin of consciousness, many crawling voices through multiple bodies, calm
Here are the haunting tracks of
Loads of people, hugging drive and need and thirst, yet not empty – flesh souvenirs, lived atmospheres to the surface, friends gone but real, helping you to take over from a Prince (whatever the success!?) – you, inherited love, so many faces and so much care
Above, below, inside, pouring from in/ex (?) – nevermind – from restricted areas, and what is that now, new electronical eyes? No more, not yet
Let the pen down
Let things come alive, again, don’t write at all, not yet – except for the needs of everyday, the technical, supposedly – let the pen down for a month or so, and no music either, no computer – just ive less, less – and let the abyss synthesize
Let other doors be opened wide – new life starting, a new country, a new boyfriend, new caravan, musculature – and lo! change does not wait for you, it embraces who you are, upstairs
Shave your head or let hair grow, share your flat or pluck the door
But the last thing you want to act upon is flow, rhythm – let it come, this way it will, it will come soon
In your own face – face || un fracas monstrueuxHow the words are now coming anew and fresh, some banished forever, some are given a fresh new start, punch lines, forefront – for no reason got they a second chance, for no reason – under the rain, happiness, alone but not really, pain, feels good, laughing so hard my voice is gone*
*Oh, here it is
Back and kicking – but changed – my voice has changed
Electrified and young, laid on the stairs of its irregular – new sound, slightly modulated, one hidden surgery – she speaks another tongue – and then
The Rapture may not be tomorrow
Just slide on how I am, now – not knowing about spinning neutron stars
Scarred and lymphatic – colored in thousand changing rays – the secret node of communion, the raw material, principle of my faith, essence of the Evergreen, from its red kernel cones that spring
Laid here by the Name and Messenger of godlike destinies (2 = 1), forger of worlds unseen, whistle of Time, player of maelstroms – laid here with 27 seven cables of steel interwoven in one solid new song
For you I’m in a Kataphatic mood, phase 1 – I see! – phase 2 – a singing tongue
Of light
I am, you are love
they too and I and
she just kisses me, softlyThrough joy, joined hands, forcing the net
Large swaths of childhood mine infusing adult life – a writhing soup – a large cauldron – of partial truth, uncertain value, time needed and time spent, time lost but never truly lost
I sense now – already – the slow anaesthesia of my imagination
And I suspect – take a bowl, take a gulp, fuses, changes – suspect the form
Of all the work to come
My work to come the fight, oh God, the FIGHT
Puff puff, okay, okay, let’s do it then
Okay, it’ll be fine
Your work to come – our work to come – and oh, below
Your voice has changed
27 oct. 2012
[Poé] Below (my work to come)
3 oct. 2012
[Poé] Empyrée noire
La nuit du ciel, corps déshabillé de jour
Ô porte sphérique, ocellé bandeau
Sur lequel apparaissent les
Grains de beauté universels
Cicatrices ténues et sans nom
Que laissent – cautérisures – la chaîne et
Les sels de l’amour
Belle Sciure de lumière ! Caresse
Le visage d’un Sarmathe ou Viking
Tendu vers tes reflets pulvérivores
De la rétine éphéméride baiser
Porté d’on ne sait où, quotidiennement
Au flanc de la planète
Déesse à l’épaule braceletée
Au front tacheté dont la peau luit
D’être infinie, avide et mûre
Couverte uniquement des piercings
Multicolores – des piercings de minuit
Et elle nous jette
Déshabillée de jour, jette son corps en pâture
1 oct. 2012
[Poélovée] Reddition (extrait)
Je te donne en caresse les dix lettres uniques
De mon alphabet digital
À la tienne, j'offre ma plaine caudale
Où se dresse mon échine
Comme une chaîne volcanique
Sur elle assure ton emprise et d'autres places fortes
Sont là – portes entrouvertes
Sous forme de main, je parcours une forêt de
Lianes fines
Mon désir dévisage le tien
Incarnés tous deux en gerçures... enfin
sept 2012
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